Heat exchangers

Heat exchangers

State of the art

  • heat exchangers enable heat transfer between different kinds of fluids at different temperatures,
  • used in household appliances, automotive industry, space & aircraft industry, process, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, building system installation…

What do we do?

  • numerical modeling,
  • experimental evaluation,
  • designing and optimization.

Research projects in our laboratory are focused on the innovative development and evaluation of new geometries of heat exchangers with the aim of increasing performance, reducing the mass/volume and material costs. We optimize the performance of the heat exchangers used in domestic refrigerators, heat pump tumble dryers and conventional dryers by the means of numerical simulations and experimental assessments. Our laboratory has a state-of-the-art experimental setup which allows us to perform experiments of water vapor condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases on different types of heat exchangers. 

Besides we also perform parametric/sensitivity analyses in which we determine their impact on the overall system performance. A large number of experiments allow us to create a large experimental database that provides validation of different numerical models. Validated models can serve as a design tool for different types of heat exchangers, which have often been developed by a trial-and-error method.

Experts in the field

prof. dr. Andrej Kitanovski
prof. dr. Andrej Kitanovski
Nada Petelin
Nada Petelin

Recent publications


Do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or by telephone. You can also visit us at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ljubljana


Aškerceva ul. 6
1000 Ljubljana

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